Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Try This!

To Jeremy, the all knowing master of appropriate blog colors. Is this easier for you to read? Is it more pleasing to your sensitive eyes? Please let me know. Your opinion means the world to me.


Maureen said...

I know you didn't specifically request my opinion, but the yellow is a bit bright.
What is wrong with a white background? One can read the type easily and pictures stand out well against it.

Dave Holmes said...

Ooh, sounds like Jeremy "I chose the first default template in the list and never changed anything" Chandler got called out...

As for the yellow, at least its more readable than the white on way too bright blue. Darkening the grey and blue text a bit would help.

elizabeth said...

ugh, i can't even look at it. i think you guys(dave) are crazy if you think this is better than the blue and white.

Sharon said...

Hello sunshine! well for me its nice to see since Michigan is all gray up here and still snowing:) I think its nice for a change but dont keep it too long:)

Dave Holmes said...

Sadly it makes my eyes hurt less than the blue when trying to read things... Bright background + small bright text = unreadable.

Anonymous said...

dear elizabeth....i think you should try some muted tones. and whats wrong with telletubbies????? that friend of yours who suggests and likes black must be sad and scary!!!! i can color consult if you would like.... he eheee....

ZaskarLE said...

Wow I made the blog on my 6th day...I am humbled. I love yellow except you should probably change your blog name to "Blogstrong" instead. Telletubbies are quite possibly one of the most terrifying things ever. They just sit there and memorize with mindless sounds and actions, I saw one of my nephew's tapes and I was shocked to see 15 minutes went by..they are truly evil and I think are the product of our new push button culture for youth. What the hell ever happened to Lincoln Logs, Kennex, and erector sets...or for the ladies toy kitchens, doll houses and my little ponies. These days all the toys do the work for you and are thus mindless. Nothing sparks creativity like a blinking button.=) I agree with "muted" tones...what about puse? As for's the new pink and anyone will tell you I'm something akin to a "tales from the crypt Eeyore" coming to Chickasaw with us on Sunday morning for the MTB race??? Bling will be present.

Christy said...

Wow, that is bright!!!

elizabeth said...

The yellow will be gone in the very near future.

Sharon, I really can't believe it is still snowing up there in Michigan. I don't know how you stand it. 70 degrees here! Looks like your bracket had a pretty big setback last night with the Vols (or Vowels if you were listening to the announcer) playing like poo.

Rebekah - Jeremy is very sad and extremely scary. Hopefully, my next color scheme will go over better, or else I may take you up on your offer.

Jeremy - Puse sounds like an ugly color. What's this about Chickasaw on Sunday? Where is that? I got nothing to do; I could be talked into going. By the way, you forgot LEGOS, the best toy ever.